Tank Washing & CIP

PNR Tank wash nozzles / tank cleaning heads or CIP cleaning heads are used in a host of industries from food to pharmaceutical for cleaning inside of tanks / vessels or ducts and so forth. However, as with many spray nozzles they can be adapted to suit other applications with a bit of lateral thinking; many of our products do not have to be restricted to the application the name suggests. PNR tank cleaning heads are available in three basic designs; fixed heads with no rotation, rotary reaction drive (driven by the water flow and pressure) and rotary motor driven heads. You can also find out more information on the full range of PNR tank cleaning via the PNR Italia website. PNR UK Ltd can assist with any of the PNR Italia products not shown on our own website. 

PNR CIP - fixed tank cleaning heads for Cleaning in place (UAA & UAB designs)

Fixed Cleaning Heads

PNR’s fixed cleaning head range includes a wide choice of spray coverage patterns (180° / 270° /  360°), in a choice of flow rates and in various thread connections as well as a dairy clip option. Fixed cleaning heads are as the name suggests and do not rotate.

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PNR rotary tank cleaning heads for CIP

Rotary Reaction Drive Heads

Rotating reaction drive cleaning heads rotate with the flow and pressure of water flowing through them. PNR has a good selection of reaction-driven tank cleaning CIP heads to suit different tank dimensions and cleaning processes.

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Motor Driven Rotary tank cleaning heads from PNR

Rotary Motor Drive Heads

The speed of rotation with motor-driven nozzles is dictated by the internal motor, generally slowing the head down to clean at a slower speed and thus give better impact with powerful jets of water. PNR’s range includes models with clever internal motors driven by the water flowing through them to pneumatic and electric-driven designs.

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